Andrew Muir Celebrates 5 Years of Jamie’s Ministry of Food Australia

March 25, 2015 By News

Jamie’s Ministry of Food Australia has turned five this month and Andrew Muir is celebrating good times, great achievements and the tremendous social impact the program has had on the Australian community.

As the founder of Jamie’s Ministry of Food Australia, Andrew Muir is the key reason that today Australia has four Ministry of Food centres and two mobile kitchens inspiring and empowering Australians to get back into the kitchen and change the way they eat and think about food.

Since its inception in 2010, Jamie’s Ministry of Food Australia has delivered classes to more than 20,000 people, teaching the health and happiness benefits of cooking from scratch.

Andrew Muir has been a passionate advocate for food education and says that grassroots programs such as Jamie’s Ministry are a good model.

“Grassroots programs like Jamie’s Ministry of Food not only empower and encourage individuals and communities to make positive changes but they also address the significant issue that new generations are having a shorter life expectancy than the previous – which is astounding,” he said.

“I wanted to bring Jamie’s Ministry of Food program to Australia because as the Chairman of a business that sells one out of every three refrigerators in Australia, I wanted to help customers make informed decisions about what they were putting in their fridge and wanted to make a positive impact on the growing issue of obesity in Australia.”

The long term health benefits of the program are now supported by scientific evidence in a Deakin University report released late last year which shows participants significantly increased their vegetable and fruit intake and their confidence to cook resulting in eating more meals at home and less takeaway.

“It is fantastic to see the impact that the program has already had in such a short period of time and I am really proud to be a part of this fight against obesity and help to build a happier and healthier Australia,” Mr Muir said.

However there is still a lot of work that needs to be done and Mr Muir acknowledges that while these are positive steps in addressing this growing issue at a local level, more grassroots nutrition education programs like Ministry of Food that actually work and make a difference are needed across the country.

“We have only just started this battle and I look forward to continuing working with the Jamie’s Ministry of Food team to expand the program into more areas over the coming years”, Mr Muir added.

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